
Dr Bi, Mian

Dr Bi, Mian is the creator of the Investing For Doctors group (IFD). IFD is a movement to improve financial literacy and knowledge to clinicians through the concept of free open access education. The IFD group has over 26,000 verified medical and dental practitioners in Australia where topics on investing and money matters are discussed.

Clinically he has worked as an emergency clinician in both metropolitan and rural locations, and operates a regional multispecialist clinic giving him insights into the operations and needs of patients, practices, and clinicians across a wide variety of specialties and subspecialties. 

Lastly, Dr Bi has a passion for neuroscience research with over 15 years of hands-on laboratory experience and is a well published neuroscientist with over 3,500 citations. He is currently a Visiting Research Fellow at the Dementia Research Centre at Macquarie University.
